What I believe about healing: I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience and we have come here in these bodies to experience Life. The very essence of each one of us is whole, indestructible, light-filled. So at a core level nothing is wrong with any of us. Sure we are all limited, this comes with being human, and that will never change. However, there are also places where we have been wounded, where we carry ancestral patterns or uncompleted karmic learning that cause us pain and we often interpret this to mean something is wrong with us. Your system knows all about wholeness. When we trust ourselves and radically accept our process, when we listen deeply within and allow what wants to unfold to do so, we find our way.
I have found energy work to be an invaluable tool to access the roots of what is attempting to unfold within a person's healing process. The form of energy work I do is field guided, meaning your energy field is what guides the work. This works so well because, unlike other forms of energy work, I have no agenda or preset way of working with you.
I ask you to set an intention for yourself ie: I want to heal a relationship, I want to feel an unshakeable sense of self-loving, I want to feel abundant in my life. Once this intention is set your field goes to work prioritizing what needs to shift first in order for you to be an energetic match for what you want for yourself.
Your field shows me what within you is seeking support and I align with that, holding welcome and curiosity as it reveals itself more and more clearly to me. Sometimes this welcome and loving attention is all that is needed and things to begin to shift. This kind of deep "listening" into the depth of one's being is profoundly supportive in and of itself.
In addition to energy work I offer a wide range of supports gleaned from my training in various traditions. I like to call this Embodied Energetics.