The process you are entering into is unique. It may be one of the most transformative experiences you will have. As with most things you will get out of it what you put into it. The more you approach your therapeutic work with trust and a willingness, the farther and deeper you can go into your healing process. I invite you to be completely honest with me, seeking to tell the most subtle and core truth you have as each moment unfolds. I even want your truth when you think it might make me uncomfortable. I promise to be safe with this precious gift of yourself and to honor your truth in return. Truth speeds and deepens healing.
I know that whatever is alive within you is also attempting to bring you to wholeness and is utterly trustworthy. Your feelings can be trusted, even those that are uncomfortable, and I encourage you to lean into them. We only move through pain by engaging it. I have come to know, right to the bone, that when I allow myself to feel what is real in me it acts as an agent of healing. I use the tools I do because I have been the recipient of their gifts. I am consistently engaged in my own journey of wholeness. I know the territory you are entering and have traveled it many times myself and as a guide for others.
I believe my job is to be fully present in the moment with you and to meet you as fully as possible. What I mean by that is that whatever you bring to me I will attempt to meet with equal intensity and depth.
Healing is a life long journey, the healing we took birth for. Taking complete responsibility for your life, as it is, has been and will be, will move you light years ahead in this process. This work is not a quick fix, however many things can resolve more rapidly than we thought possible and it is more efficient than doing it alone.
When we enter into a session you have many options of how to proceed. This is a place to drop the old, tired, vigilant, repetitive, stuck, deadening ways of being and get closer to your core, to the real deal of who you are.
I am so excited to meet you and begin this journey together!